Track – Monthly Subscriptions


(Includes Students & Over 60's)
£ 40.00
Pay monthly
Pause membership
Cancel anytime
Please note: no refunds given on cancelled plans.


(Includes non Students and Under 60's)
£ 50.00
Pay monthly
Pause membership
Cancel anytime
Please note: no refunds given on cancelled plans.

Please note that the granting of a monthly track subscription is subject to the following IMPORTANT TERMS & CONDITIONS

  • The “Junior Price” is available for those who are under 18 at the date of application and also includes Full Time Students & Over 60’s. Proof of eligibility is required. Junior and Over 60’s athletes when asked must provide a copy of one of the following with their application: Passport, Birth Certificate, Zip Oyster Photocard or UK Photocard Driving Licence. Students must also provide their current University ID/Student Card.
  • The monthly fee will be payable, by direct debit, on the 1st day of the calendar month, from the beginning of the period covered by the monthly track subscription and thereafter on the 1st day of each following calendar month until the monthly subscription is cancelled either by us or by the track user to whom it has been granted (the “subscriber”).
  • A monthly track subscription is valid only for the calendar month in respect of which the applicable monthly fee has been paid in advance.
  • The monthly track subscription entitles the subscriber to enter and use the athletics track or field facilities (and equipment), the indoor track and their pre booked supervised squad gym sessions at NPCSC. We must however, have accepted the subscriber’s booking in advance and only if the subscription holder registers their attendance at the entrance gate or track office prior to training.
  • The monthly subscription may be cancelled (by the giving of notice by email to: ) by us or by the subscriber and, in the event of cancellation, the monthly track subscription will cease to be valid from the end of the calendar month in which notice is given.  In order to be effective,  notice of cancellation via emailing us at the following address;, must be given by the subscriber no fewer than 7 days prior to the end of the calendar month.  Save where we have reasonable grounds to withdraw and cancel a monthly track subscription with immediate effect, we will give no fewer than 7 days’ notice of cancellation prior to the end of the calendar month.
  • The monthly track subscription is strictly non-transferable.
  • No refund will be given by us, under any circumstances, of the monthly fee paid for the monthly track subscription (or any part thereof).
  • The monthly subscription will expire and become invalid with immediate effect in the event that the monthly fee is not received by us on the 1st day of the month.  For the avoidance of doubt, it is the subscriber’s responsibility to ensure that prompt payment is received by us and we are under no responsibility to notify the subscription holder of non-payment or of the consequent expiry and invalidity of the monthly track subscription.
  • Monthly Track subscriptions will not be available to those aged under 11.
  • We reserve the right (in our sole discretion) to refuse to grant a monthly subscription to any applicant.

Come and visit.

We would love to see you, whether it be for an energetic track session, exercise class or to enjoy a great coffee and lunch at the on-site café and bar, so please pop in and see us soon!

Email : : Call: 0203 931 7333

Centre Opening Hours:
Mon,Weds & Thurs 08.00 – 21.00. Tues: 08.00 – 20.30.
Fri, Sat & Sun 08.30 – 1600

Designed & hosted by TWL Media

Come and visit.

We would love to see you, whether it be for an energetic track session, exercise class or to enjoy a great coffee and lunch at the on-site café and bar, so please pop in and see us soon!

Email : : Call: 0203 931 7333

Centre Opening Hours:
Mon, Weds & Thurs 08.00 – 21.00

Tues: 08.00 – 20.30

Fri, Sat & Sun 08.30 – 1600